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So, 22. September 2024

So, 22. September 2024

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1,000 More Song Ideas for Song/Lyric Writer's

1,000 More Song Ideas for Song/Lyric Writer's

 von Rick Wicker

ISBN: 9781617926587
Systematik: K 343
Verlag: BookBaby
Erscheinungsjahr: 2011
Zum E-Book Download
Katalogkarte (ausblenden) :
K 343
Wicker, Rick:
1,000 More Song Ideas for Song/Lyric Writer's [Elektronische Ressource] / Rick Wicker. - 1. Aufl. - [s.l.] : BookBaby, 2011, Online Ressource (148 KB, 52 S.)

ISBN 9781617926587 (electronic)


The 1,000 Song Ideas contained in this ebook are designed to jumpstart the creative writing process by providing titles, phrases and starting points with strong development potential. The initial phase of writing is addressed from the perspective that verses and choruses follow and support a strong central idea. Starting off with an interesting turn of phrase or a catchy title can give focus to your writing.